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Seymour House

Centre Staff


Lead Teacher: Claire Ritchie

Our Ethos

Seymour House is a Therapeutic -based, educational provision that offers a Bespoke educational package to those students from Year 5 to Year 11 who have complex needs. Our aim is to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to gain experiences that will enhance their transition to life after school.

Many of our students have attachment issues due to adverse childhood experiences and therefore need a higher level of Therapeutic input.

The staff are skilled in using Attachment, PACE approach, Trauma and TEACCH to support Therapeutic based learning which aims to identify the barriers to learning and provide SEMH support to the students, in a small setting which allows for personalised planning. We work closely with the Occupational Therapist and the families to ensure that the needs of the students are being met.

Each student has a key person assigned to them and will have a 1:1 session on their timetable, as well as informal opportunities to talk as the need arises.


Seymour House is located at the end of George Street, Devonport and is situated adjacent to the Scott Memorial within the Mount Wise parkland. From the gardens of Seymour House are panoramic views of the Royal William Yard, Drakes Island and Plymouth Sound.  The property was built mid-20th century and was, until the early 1990s, married quarters for the incumbent of next-door Hamoaze House - being a senior RM/RN officer.  Following the departure of the Royal Marines HQ the MoD transferred Seymour House to the City of Plymouth.

Seymour House